Saturday 8 September 2018

Top 5 men who might have been richer than world government

History is probably the most enjoyable subject of discourse to many, while some find solace in the fun-filled lifestyle of the people recorded in it.

At we have created a unique compilation of Top5 Men Who Might Be Richer Than The World Government .

Let’s take a ride back into the AD’s, BC’s and hopefully our time.

1. Mansa Musa

This man is worth billions of dollars back in his time. 415billion dollars.(149,317,000,000,000.00 naira)

He was an emperor, who conquered west Africa, and he had a dominating rule over Ghana and Mali.

He was known as the "Man Behind The Gold". He owned 99% of all Golds in the world. His major investment channel was supplying of gold.

Some of his greatest achievements like the building of schools, mosque and universities are still surviving the harsh brute of nature till today, even many more years to come.

2. King Solomon

2.2Trillion Dollars. (Around 719,600,000,000,000.00 naira)

The Holy Bible recorded King Solomon as the richest man to ever walked on earth.

He ruled Israel for 40years and was renowned for his wise and inbuilt ability to handle crucial situations.

He receives 666 Golds yearly as a gift token, which could be totaled at £86,000. You are free to calculate that in today's exchange rates.

He also receives income from tax and trade, which are his major source of revenues.

King Solomon built the first Jerusalem temple.

3. Augustus Ceazar

4.63 Trillion Dollars (Around 1,439,200,000,000,000.00)

Augustus Ceazar was the first emperor of the Roman empire. He single-handedly owned the entire country of Egypt.

4. Osman Ali Khan

2 Billion Dollars.(719,600,000,000.00 naira)

Aside from his documented network, research discovered that he might be richer than the stated facts.

Osman Ali Khan was born in India, and he was a well established Diamond supplier globally. He was a Prince in India.

In 1947, he was featured in Times Magazine. He earned massive income from land revenues, monthly royalties etc.

He owned over 400 million dollars diamond collections. His generous lifestyle and free will heart gave him a great link among the people of India. He father over 149 children's.

5. Muammar Al Gathafi

200 Billion Dollars.(71,960,000,000,000.00 naira)

Gathafi was a revolutionary leader, political theorist and a master in the game of world politics. He owned a massive real estate business, trillion dollars worth of oil well, and numerous investments.

He stored over 30 billion dollars in the UK, 30 billion in Germany, USA, France, and Italy. That's surely a huge sum of eye-pinching solid cash.

6. Copyrights Of

All the above-listed points are subjected to our scope of view, kindly add yours in the comments section provided below.

Tite: Brazil are recovering from painful World Cup

The Selecao are working to get over their 
elimination from the tournament at the hands 
of Belgium

Tite said Brazil are recovering from the "pain" 
and "frustration" of their World Cup exit after 
overcoming the United States in New Jersey 
on Friday.

New permanent captain Neymar and Roberto 
Firmino were on target as Brazil defeated USA 
2-0 in an international friendly at MetLife 

Brazil were favourites to win the World Cup in 
Russia but the South American giants were 
shocked by Belgium in the quarter-finals.

Speaking after Brazil's victory stateside, head 
coach Tite told reporters: "We are recovering 
the work from pain and a frustration of 
elimination. It has an emotional aspect.

"This was a feeling we noticed when we met 
with the athletes. And it's a resumption in 
which Douglas Costa started only his second 
match. I was asked about the other athletes. 
But the others are the ones that were already 
but need more time on the field.

"We have to give Firmino, Douglas Costa, Fred 
more chance. And then the newbies. But 
having these players on the pitch so they have 
the opportunity and time for a better analysis. 
And this was beyond my expectation."

Neymar wore the captain's armband after Tite 
scrapped his rotation policy following Russia 
2018 and the Paris Saint-Germain star led tJhe 

After Firmino opened the scoring in the 11th 
minute, Neymar doubled the lead from the 
spot approaching half-time when Brazil were 
awarded a contentious penalty – Fabinho 
falling to ground under minimal contact.

Discussing Neymar – who endured a difficult 
World Cup campaign having been criticised 
exaggerating fouls – Tite added: "You're going 
to have your eyes on Neymar.

"I want to speak little, but be complicit in his 
behaviour and attitudes so that he can grow 
more and more. Without losing the audacity, 
without taking the last dribble in the final third 
of the field. It is a brand not only of Neymar, 
but of the Brazilian player.

"If you watch, [Philippe] Coutinho picks up the
 ball and goes inside, Willian also, Douglas 
Costa and Everton as well. I will not take those
 characteristics, some adaptations yes. But 
Neymar's behaviours and his attitudes will 
speak for themselves and you can follow."

Courtois feels 'sad' after Chelsea fans' anger at Real Madrid move

Thibaut Courtois admits he feels "sad" about 
how some Chelsea fans have turned against 
him following his transfer to Real Madrid.
The 26-year-old was at Chelsea for seven 
seasons - though the first three were spent on
 loan at Atletico Madrid - before leaving for 
Real in a £35m deal over the summer.

The Belgium international revealed he made 
his decision to leave in March and explained 
that is part of the reason he delayed reporting 
back to Chelsea following the World Cup.
When asked about some Chelsea fans feeling 
angry about the manner of his exit, Courtois 
said: "It makes me feel sad and obviously they 
don't know all the truth.

"I think in March the decision was already 
made and I thought the club would accept it.
"Then because the transfer was closed I did 
not show up because I thought it better not to 
disturb the team and the squad.

"If I did go there maybe, I didn't want to be 
toxic, so obviously it is a pity because I love 

"I loved playing there and I am happy to have 
won two Premier Leagues, a league cup and 
an FA Cup.
"Hopefully it will turn around."
Courtois recently claimed "the level [at Real 
Madrid] is higher than at Chelsea", but he says
 he never meant to disrespect his former club.

"Obviously you get some things in the media 
like I said there was not enough quality at 
Chelsea," Courtois said.

"I never meant that. I just said maybe in 
training it goes a little bit faster but that is 

the quality of Real Madrid - that is not saying 
Chelsea does not have quality."

Courtois says a big factor in his decision to 
leave for Real was the opportunity to be closer
 to his two children, who live in Madrid with his
 ex-girlfriend, and he hopes Chelsea fans can
 understand that.

"I will always look back with a happy feeling to 
Chelsea," Courtois added. "I had a chance to 
go back to Spain to be closer to my kids. That
 was an important thing for me.

"I know that a lot of Chelsea fans will 
understand my decision. I wish them the best 
and I am happy to see that they have won their
 first four games and I hope they can go on
 and win the league."


 SUNDAY JATO REAL AGE Sunday Jatto Real Name The lengthy introduction I provided at the beginning of this post states that Sunday Jatto’s re...