Wednesday, 2 May 2018



Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) - The adoption of a law on rent guarantees "should take place in the coming weeks" in the National Assembly, announced Tuesday the Ivorian head of state Alassane Ouattara, occasion of Labor Day. 

Mr. Ouattara, speaking in front of the trade union centers, at the Palace of the Presidency, said that in the frame of the rents and house sureties, the adoption of a law "should intervene in the weeks to come by the National Assembly ". 

This session of Parliament should "implement the draft law on the residential lease adopted in July 2017" by the Ivorian government, said President Alassane Ouattara.

In their various speeches, the representatives of the trade union centers reported on the deposits of houses, deemed excessive by the population, thus causing the high cost of living. 

The Deputy Secretary General of the General Union of Workers of Côte d'Ivoire (Ugtci), Joseph Akanza, also called for "lowering the cost of basic necessities", among others, oil, rice, rice, soap. 

Mr. Ouattara assured that "more provisions will be made in strict compliance with the price cap of basic necessities", while instructing the ministers of guardianship to collect the demands of the unions.

The main household expenditure items in Côte d'Ivoire are transport, housing and electricity. To combat the high cost of living, the Ivorian government has introduced a bill limiting house deposits to two months and advances on rent to two months. 

Through this mechanism, the Ivorian government plans to implement a policy on lease contracts and to set a ceiling for residential leases. 

In Abidjan, the economic capital of the country, the owners of residential houses usually require three months 'deposit and three months' rent.

The housing deficit in Côte d'Ivoire is estimated at 400,000 units per year including 200,000 for the District of Abidjan. It is about 10% each year, leading to higher rent costs due to strong demand. 


Image result for image of make up kit

In a world where your life is judged by how great you look in your Facebook posts and Instagram pics, there is a constant expectation to look your best all the time. Wanting to be always selfie-ready, however, comes at a price. The makeup industry has been telling women for years how a little foundation and dash of mascara can liven up your face instantly. While that may be true, applying makeup every day can have several harmful side effects on your skin and body.

1. Headaches

10 Harmful Side Effects Of Makeup
Chemicals like Diazolidinyl urea and DMDM Hydantoin, both of which are tend to release formaldehyde, are a common ingredient in many cosmetic products and are used as an antimicrobial preservative. These chemicals have been known to cause headaches, irritation of the mucous membranes, and cause damage to the eyes. If you have been suffering from headaches and can’t figure out why, try going easy on the makeup for a few days to see if the headache goes away.

2. Hair Problems

10 Harmful Side Effects Of Makeup
With changing trends in fashion, there is also a wave of hair trends that comes along. Hair products like hair gels, hair serums, shampoos, conditioners, and hair sprays contain several harmful chemicals which set your hair the way you want but end up damaging your hair in the long run. Extensive use of chemical based hair products could lead to dandruff, scalp redness, thinning of hair, and even loss of hair. Long term use of hair color could also lead to hair discoloration.

3. Acne

10 Harmful Side Effects Of Makeup
This is common side effect of makeup that most women would have expereinced. Your skin is as much a part of your body as any other organ. It also needs to breathe and grow. When you cover your skin with makeup, you also end up clogging it. Some types of makeup which are in the form of liquids and creams clog the pores in your skin. This leads to the formation of blackheads, which when not cleaned regularly can form acne. So make sure you clean your makeup thoroughly with a natural cleanser before going to bed.

4. Skin Allergies

10 Harmful Side Effects Of Makeup
Chemicals known as Parabens which include ethyl-paraben, butyl-paraben, and isopropyl-paraben are used as preservatives to prevent bacterial growth in cosmetics. Parabens can cause various allergic reactions like skin irritation, blotches, and blemishes on the skin. Another common allergen in cosmetics is Salicylate which can cause an outbreak of painful rashes or hives if you have sensitive skin. In many cases, the allergic reaction is not apparent until the symptoms becomes severe. Read the label for parabens before you buy.

5. Eye Infections

10 Harmful Side Effects Of Makeup
Eye makeup is used extensively even by women who don’t use heavy makeup. But it’s important to remember that your eyes and the skin around them is the most sensitive area of your face. Layers of eye makeup can be damaging to your eyes as it also slips into your eyes through the corners causing irritation. Too much mascara and eyeliner inhibits the growth of eyelashes and also becomes a breeding ground for bacteria which could lead to irritations and infections.

6. Infertility

10 Harmful Side Effects Of Makeup
Skincare products and deodorants are directly absorbed by your skin, so it’s very likely that the chemicals used in these products also seep into your body. A study conducted on rats found that butyl paraben adversely affects the secretion of testosterone and the function of the male reproductive system. Though the consumers of cosmetics are majorly women, it’s still important to note the adverse effects parabens can have on the reproductive system. Parabens are widely used in the skincare industry and even products labelled natural could have parabens.

7. Premature Ageing

10 Harmful Side Effects Of Makeup
When you use skin products for a longer period of time, the chemicals present tend to permanently damage your skin. With time, you could begin to see skin ageing signs likes wrinkles or patchiness on your face and body. While makeup does help you hide or cover flaws in your skin, the long term effects could be counterproductive. Also, considering how big the anti-ageing products market is, cosmetic companies have no incentive to reduce the ageing effects of makeup.

8. Hormonal Imbalance

10 Harmful Side Effects Of Makeup
Prolonged use of cosmetics can have an impact on your endocrine system and interfere with the functioning of the thyroid gland. Triclosan is a commonly used chemical compound and can be found in products like acne-removal scrubs and deodorants to keep them free of germs. With regular use, triclosan gets absorbed and accumulated in your body and affects the thyroid gland causing an imbalance in the hormonal secretions. This could lead to thyroid related conditions like headaches, weight gain, and depression.

9. Cancer

10 Harmful Side Effects Of Makeup
Many of the chemical based cosmetics available in the stores today contain toxic ingredients that could cause cancer. With regulations in place, there is testing being done on the ingredients before the products can be sold. However, cosmetics companies need only prove that there will be no immediate harmful results. So there is no conclusive research done on the long-term effects of all the ingredients. Try and avoid products with the following ingredients.
  • Formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives (quaternium-15, diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea, DMDM hydantoin, and 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3 diol)
  • Phenacetin
  • Coal tar
  • Benzene
  • Untreated or mildly treated mineral oils
  • Ethylene oxide
  • Chromium
  • Cadmium and its compounds
  • Arsenic
  • Crystalline silica (or quartz)
  • 10. Skin Discoloration

    Skin products like sunscreens, moisturizers, toners, and creams contain agents that bleach or darken the skin. Cosmetic products that use poor quality ingredients which have not been regulated can lead to skin discoloration. The effect could be patches, pigmentation, uneven skin tone, redness, and freckles. Though your skin is meant to protect you, it is also very sensitive and needs to treated with care. So avoid using chemical products for your daily skincare routine.
    Using chemical based cosmetics regularly can have adverse effects on your skin and could even lead to permanent damage. The best way to avoid these side effects of makeup is by reducing the use of cosmetics and switching to natural or herbal products. And always remember to read the label for harmful chemicals before you buy.


Image result for image of body odor

Body odor is caused when sweat is broken down by bacteria living on your skin. Your genetic makeup, being overweight, and stress can influence how you smell. Foods like garlic, cabbage, and meat, alcohol, and certain medications can cause body odor. Medical conditions such as hyperhidrosis and fish odor syndrome may also be responsible.

Causes Of Body Odor

Sweat and bacteria

Genetic makeup

Being overweight

Excessive sweating 


1. Sweat And Bacteria

We all know that that there’s a link between sweat and body odor. Your body has two kinds of sweat glands namely:
  • Eccrine glands: Secretions from the eccrine glands found all over the body are mostly made of salt and water, odorless, and used to regulate temperature and cool your skin when you are overheated.
  • Apocrine glands: These glands, on the other hand, are concentrated near hair follicles on your scalp, genitals, and underarms and produce a viscous, thick sweat made of proteins and lipids.
When bacteria on the skin’s surface come into contact with apocrine sweat, they feed off it and thrive and also cause chemical reactions with a distinct smell – resulting in what we know as body odor. Apocrine glands tend to be stimulated when we are overheated, work out, or feel stressed or anxious, which is why you generally tend to notice body odor in these circumstances. Consistent hygiene practices and washing yourself regularly, especially concentrating on areas with apocrine glands, can keep offensive body odor in check. Incidentally, apocrine sweat glands develop only during puberty and that’s why children don’t usually have body odor.2

2. Your Genetic Makeup

Your genetic makeup also tends to influence body odor. In fact, a small variation in a gene called ABCC11 found in people of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean heritage is linked to reduced underarm smell as well as dry earwax.3 Interestingly, your genes also have a role in whether you perceive a smell to be pleasant or unpleasant. One study found that depending on variations in a gene, people rated the sweat-based steroids related to the male hormone testosterone as extremely unpleasant or sweet smelling like vanilla! Meanwhile, some people with a rare variation of the gene weren’t able to smell the steroids at all.4

3. Being Overweight

Being overweight may make body odor worse. This is attributed to the additional exertion required for all tasks and the resultant increase in sweating. Sweat may also get stuck in skin folds which don’t get enough air, giving bacteria a chance to thrive and flourish, break down sweat, and cause body odor.5
Interestingly, research also indicates that prejudice against overweight people may also cause the perception that they smell worse. A study gave people “scent samples” which were really fragrance-free while they were viewing photographs of people who were overweight, thin, or normal weight. Although the samples were fragrance-free, they were rated poorly when they were viewed along with photographs of overweight people. The same samples got better ratings when images of normal weight or thin people were shown.6

4. Excessive Sweating

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition characterized by excessive sweating. This appears to be caused by overactive sweat glands. Other medical conditions such as anxiety, acromegaly, cancer, carcinoid syndrome, an overactive thyroid etc. can also cause excessive sweating. And since sweat is essentially the fuel for body odor-causing bacteria, more sweat can mean more chances of body odor. 7 Although the sweat produced in hyperhidrosis is from the eccrine glands and shouldn’t smell, the dampening of skin due to the sweat may make it easier for bacteria to degrade keratin or protein in the skin and lead to body odor.8

5. Stress

Stress can make you sweat – literally. Apocrine sweating occurs as a response to anxiety, stress, or pain and may result in the development of body odor.9

6. Certain Foods

The foods that you eat can also impact your body odor. For instance, vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, garlic, and onions can affect how you smell because they contain sulfur compounds that seep into eccrine sweat.10 But this smell should wear off after a while. You could also drink plenty of water to flush your system.
Consuming meat or alcohol may make you smell bad too. In fact, one study found that women rated the scent of men, obtained from their armpits, as significantly more pleasant, attractive, and less intense when they were on a nonmeat diet in comparison to when they consumed red meat.11 12

7. Some Medical Conditions

Your body odor may also say something about how healthy you are. Some medical conditions are associated with particular body odors. For instance, a bleach-like smell may point to kidney or liver disease while people with diabetes sometimes have a fruity smell. 13 If you find that your body scent is unusual of late, it’s worth getting it checked out. Bacterial overgrowth on the skin can also lead to body odor as there are more bacteria to attack the sweat you make. From keeping your skin clean and dry by bathing regularly and wearing breathable fabrics to eating foods that promote the growth of good bacteria and rein in bad bacteria, there’s much you can do to keep this balance intact.

8. Certain Medications

If you think you smell bad, you might also want to check your medicine cabinet for the culprit. Some medications such as antidepressants can cause a strange body odor. Other medication such as morphine or those used to reduce fever may cause you to sweat more, which in turn increases the risk of body odor. Speak to your doctor to find out if any medicine that you’re taking could be responsible for this effect.

9. Fish Odor Syndrome

From baking soda and apple cider vinegar to lemon or tea tree essential oils, there are many natural remedies that can keep your skin dry, control bacteria, and leave you smelling good.
Fish odor syndrome or trimethylaminuria is a rare medical condition characterized by an unpleasant fishy body odor. This smell can affect your breath, urine, sweat, and vaginal fluids. It is thought to be caused by faulty genes in some cases and unfortunately, there’s no cure for this condition. Factors such as stress, sweating, menstruation, as well as certain foods like seafood, peanuts, beans, and eggs and beans can make this condition worse. Your doctor may advise antibiotics or vitamin B2 or charcoal supplements to help with this condition. Lifestyle measures such as avoids stress, changing your clothes frequently, and using an antiperspirant can also help.14


 SUNDAY JATO REAL AGE Sunday Jatto Real Name The lengthy introduction I provided at the beginning of this post states that Sunday Jatto’s re...