Thursday 25 April 2013

Student To Die By Hanging For Robbing Colleague Of N2,000

An Ogwashi-Uku High Court in Delta State has sentenced a 23-year old student, Aruhor Ezekiel, to death by hanging for robbing another student of N2,000 at gunpoint. The convict was arraigned on a four-count charge of conspiracy to commit armed robbery, armed robbery and illegal possession of firearms punishable under sections 1 (2)a and 3 (1) of the Robbery and Firearms (Special Provisions) Act Cap R.II Vol. 14 laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004. Prosecution led by Deputy Director in the state Ministry of Justice, Mr. E. Ferdinard, told the court that “Aruhor Ezekiel, on or about the 26th of July 2010 at Umu-Otu quarters within Ogwashi Uku judicial division robbed one Idakpo Friday of his Nokia handset, MP3, wallet containing N2,000, school identitycard, clearance card and some complimentary cards while armedwith a gun.” He was also charged for “robbing one Ijie Theophilus of his phone and wallet while also armed with a gun.” All victims, according to prosecution, were students of Ogwashi-Uku Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku, while the convict was a student of Ozoro Polytechnic Ozoro, Delta State.

96,000 Ebonyi residents affected by malaria annually -State govt

Ebonyi State government on Thursday said that about 96,000 residents across the 13 local government areas of the state were affected annually by malaria scourge. The state Commissioner for Health, Dr. Sunday Nwangele, made this known while briefing journalists in Abakaliki, the state capital. The brief was part of activities marking the 2013 World Malaria Day in the state. Nwangele stated that the statistics of infected persons were derived from reported cases of thedisease in the state. The Health commissioner was represented at the press brief by the Director, Hospital Services Management Board of the state the Ministry of Health, Dr. Gabriel Onwe. He also stated that the state government had invested huge funds into the Roll Back Malaria Programme so as to ensure that cases of malaria were tackled effectively. Nwangele noted that the scourge had contributed to 60 per cent of patients admitted in various hospitals across the state. The commissioner, therefore, added that government had through the Roll Back Malaria Programme distributed insecticidetreated nets to about 97 percent of its residents in order to drastically reduce cases of malaria in the state. He said, "Today is in continuation of the World Malaria week in the state. The importance of Malaria Control Programme cannot be over emphasised as 300 to 500 million people each year are infected by malaria. It affects children under-five years old and pregnant women most especially.”

US suspects Syria of chemical attack

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has said American intelligence believes “to some degree of varying confidence” that Syria has used chemical weapons. During a visit to the United Arab Emirates, he said it was suspected that sarin gas had been used against rebels. Mr Hagel said the use was “small scale” and did not specify where or when. The White House has warned chemical weapons use would be a“red line” for possible intervention, but said the intelligence does not represent proof. Mr Hagel, speaking to reporters in Abu Dhabi, said the White House had informed two senators by letter that, within the past day, “our intelligence community does assess, with varying degrees of confidence, that the Syrian regimehas used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria, specifically, the chemical agent sarin”. “It violates every convention of warfare,” the Pentagon chief said.


 SUNDAY JATO REAL AGE Sunday Jatto Real Name The lengthy introduction I provided at the beginning of this post states that Sunday Jatto’s re...