Thursday, 4 June 2020

See what happen to your hair and fingernails after death

Not for long. The gruesome idea of nails and hair continuing to grow on a rotting corpse is fascinating. But it’s a myth – at least if you’re thinking of luscious locks and long, curly fingernails growing inside a coffin.

Nails and hair may appear to keep growing, but this is because flesh shrinks as it dries out, retracting the skin to make the nails and hair appear longer. There is a little truth in the story though, because death isn’t an instantaneous process. When someone’s heart stops beating their brain cells die very quickly, but cells that use less oxygen can live a little longer. So potentially hair and nails could grow a tiny bit after the brain is dead

Why I was taken to White House underground bunker – Trump

Why I was taken to White House underground bunker – Trump
Published 3 hours ago on June 3, 2020 By Wale Odunsi

United States President, Donald Trump, has spoken on his brief stay at the underground White House bunker.

The facility is called Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC).

It serves as a shelter and communications center for U.S. Presidents and others in case of an emergency.

Trump was taken there by the Secret Service Friday night as protesters of George Floyd’s death gathered outside the White House.

The American leader, wife and son were reportedly in the bunker for a little under an hour.

But Trump has explained that he went there for an “inspection”.

He dismissed reports that the reason was for protection from protesters.

“It was much more for the inspection. I was there for a tiny, little period of time. They said it would be a good time to go down and take a look because maybe sometime you’re going to need it”, he told Fox News Radio.

Trump reiterated his threat of military action in New York if the protests persist.

“If they don’t get their act straightened out I will solve it. I’ll solve it fast,” he said.


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