Tuesday 11 September 2018

7 different ways to stay motivated

People from all over the world feel low at some point in their life, and they get frustrated with the negative thoughts that forced upon them unknowingly. That is why it is very important to find some of the best and powerful ways to stay motivated. In one of the quotations of Mahatma Gandhi clearly says that “A man is the product of his own thoughts and he becomes the one exactly what he thinks.” Every individual might have been in that situation, but the best thing is they can do something about how they feel. The emotions occur due to the thoughts that your mind produces, and it is easy to change your thoughts in a similar way that you want to change your habits. To develop a healthy lifestyle, you need to start eating healthier and it is the initial step that can help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Similarly, you should develop positive thoughts that can help you stay motivated and help you gain confidence. 
In the beginning, it is going to be difficult, but gradually you can attain control on your senses and help yourself to stay motivated in less than three to four weeks and you are sure to attain the comfortable position in just a matter of time. Here you can find 7 powerful ways to stay motivated. 

1. Read: Read books that motivate, inspire, and encourage you. Even if you know the details in the book, you can still read, and feed your mind continuously with the positive and motivational material. The more you read about positive, your thoughts get better. Keep reading good inspirational books all the time, the more you read the more you will remain motivated.

2. Listen: Listen to the best motivational speeches and audio programs. Listen to the great authors like Earl Nightingale, Jim Rohn, and Brain Tracy. The speeches are all about self-help and these talks can surely help you stay motivated. 

3. Focus: Though it is simple, many people do not consider it at all. If you learn to focus on the positivity, then you are sure to develop a positive attitude. In general, people try to focus more on the problems instead of focusing to find solutions, and that is why they are more worried than happy. 

4. Release: There are several ways to release negative thoughts and beliefs like The Work, Sedona, and EFT Method. You can try any one of these methods and change your thought process from negative to positive. 

5. Habits: The habits also one of the reasons to develop negativity. That is why you should know which habit is causing the negativity and try to change it. It will help you to develop positive thoughts, but you should have the determination to change your habit and make it happen. 

6. Goals: Most people will set goals but they do not follow that is when they feel lost and frustrated. When you set goals, you should try to reach them with determination. To reach your goals, use the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) criteria.

7. Passion: You should develop passion, whatever work you do, you do it with passion it will bring the positivity in your work and it makes you happy. 

Just In! Femi Otedola Accepts PDP Lagos Governorship Ticket

Just In! Femi Otedola Accepts PDP Lagos Governorship Ticket

Reports have surfaced that the opposition party, PDP, has offered billionaire oil magnate, Femi Otedola the Lagos State governoship ticket which he wholeheartedly accepted. 
Otedola will therefore, in the long run square up against whoever the All Progressives Congress (APC) throws up as its party candidate as it is still embroiled in battle of supremacy between the loyalists of Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and the incumbent governor, Akinwunmi Ambode.
Over 50 council chairmen loyal to Bola Tinubu, his estranged godfather, have met and pledged their support for Jide Sanwonolu, who is believed to be Tinubu’s preferred choice, according to APC insiders.
The council chairmen are the most influential grassroots mobilisers under the direct primary system adopted by APC to pick governorship candidates.
Most members of the Lagos house of assembly are also loyal to Tinubu.

Teacher Jailed for Life for Raping, Infecting 9-yr-Old Student with STD

Teacher Jailed for Life for Raping, Infecting 9-yr-Old Student with STD

A Kenyan primary school teacher at Tumaini Primary School in Mirangine sub-county, Nyandarua County, has been sentenced to life in prison for defiling a 9-year-old student, according to a report by Standardmedia, a Kenyan news platform reports.
Charles Ndung’u was found guilty of defiling the Standard One pupil. Resident Magistrate Eunice Kelly said the prosecution had substantiated the accused’s guilt.
The convict – who teaches Standard Seven and Eight pupils – is said to have defiled the girl at his home in Mirangine on July 27, 2014.
“My brother and I were delivering vegetables to the teacher’s house.
My brother left the house and the teacher, who looked drunk, dragged me, took me to his room, undressed me, and defiled me. I screamed and a neighbor came to rescue me,” the victim said in her testimony.
The doctor who assessed the girl told the court that tests on the girl showed she had suffered injuries and bruises and also tested positive for a sexually transmitted disease. .


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