Thursday 13 September 2018

Ghanaian Comedian Flop Terribly In Ghana, Blame Nigerian Comedian

Sunday night can be described as one of the worst for Ghana's biggest Comedian, DKB, as he failed to shine at the second edition of Glo’s Laffta Fest, which took place at the Fantasy Dome, Trade Fair in Accra.

The King of GH comedy as DKB calls himself could not crack the ribs of the audience for the over 20 minutes he was on stage.

DKB spoke about the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari answering questions with questions and the fact that Africa is poor and would like to be born in America in his next life. But all the jokes he shared did not impress the audience and some of the patrons started booing him.
DKB then asked what he had done and then apologised for not lifting up his game on the night.

Comedian DKB has explained why he failed to make patrons laugh at the second edition of Glo’s Laffta Fest last Sunday.

According to him, the Nigerian comedian who performed before him "extracted all the laughter out of the audience".

The comedian was reported to have apologised to the audience at the event which took place at the Fantasy Dome, Trade Fair in Accra, for not lifting up his game on the night.

According to reports, all the jokes he shared did not impress the audience and some of the patrons started booing him.
But explaining what happened on the night on Hitz @1 on Hitz FM, DKB stated that the Nigerian Comedian, Dan D Humurous, who performed before him, exceeded his time of performance thus making the audience tired.

“I always respect the opinion of the audience and I try to appreciate the fact that they made an effort to come and see me perform but unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned.

They were laughing but the standard of response I was expecting, I didn’t get it,”
he said.

“I’m the type who doesn’t like sharing blame, I always believe that I’m responsible for the spot I’m given and have to take full charge of it but what happened was that, the comedian before me overstayed his time twice. He stayed for a pretty long time so he drained the laughter out of the audience so when I came in, it looked like the people were sort of tired,”
DKB explained.

“The energy was a bit low but at the end of the day, I was given that spot as a comedian so I must be a magician and that’s why I decided to apologize to the audience,”
he added.

Ghanaian Comedian, Foster Romanus, who got booed on stage at the maiden Laffta Fest after calling Nigerians Criminals which did not go down well with both the Nigerian and Ghanaian Audience, returned to prove himself and this time round, he was able to get some people laughing.

He told jokes about how whites treat everything with passion to the extent that they are willing to die for each other but that cannot happen with blacks among others.
After some more jokes, he asked the audience to get on their feet as he wanted to do magic.

After succeeding in getting almost everyone on their feet, he said he had told himself he would receive a standing ovation at the end of his performance and had succeeded in doing so.

Although some of the jokes the Nigerian comedians told were not new, the manner in which they were delivered still elicited laughter from the audience.

Many Ghanaians have took to Social Media to express their opinions concerning what happened, with most of them condemning DKB for being a wack comedian.

Many have advised him to quit Comedy because he isn't funny enough to be a Comedian. With many pouring out their displeasure of how arrongant he is.

In August 2017, DKB was the one who pleaded to telecommunication giant, Globacom (GLO), to bring its comedy festival dubbed ‘Laffta Fest’ to the shores of Ghana in an anticipation for a showdown between Ghanaian and Nigerian comedians.

He once stated that Ghanaian comedians can rub shoulders with Nigerian comedians.

“We have very good comedians who have come of age and can rub shoulders with the Nigerian comedians. Myself as a comedian, I have performed on the same stage with American comedian Aaron Kader, Nigeria top-gun Basketmouth, Uganda’s Salvador and I have hosted my very own one-man show dubbed ‘Point of View’. My other colleagues in the industry have also begun dominating the Night of Thousand Laughs & Music,”
DKB stated.

DKB recently have been protesting for lesser Nigerian songs to be played in Ghana after top Ghanaian Artists including Shatta Wale, Stonebwoy, Becca and others flopped heavily in Nigeria few weeks ago. DKB has been bashing Nigerians for their cold reception towards their Artists. Going through his Twitter timelime, one could wonder if he has personal issues with Nigerians.

Basketmouth, one of the headline artistes, lived up to his fame as he sent the patrons laughing with his hilarious punch lines.

He was at his best when he thrilled fans with some of his new rib-cracking jokes, which sent some of the patrons crying and laughing at the same.

Ugandan Salvador cracked ribs with his jokes, some of which the audience won't forget in a hurry. Many at the event won't forget his joke on event posters listing performing artistes and ending the list with "others". He made those in the "others" list the butt of some good jokes.

Senator and Dan D Humorous gave a good account of themselves and justified why Glo included them on the historic show in Ghana. Both comedians, who were participating in the Glo Laffta fest for the first time in Ghana, were simply delightful. The audience did not fail to appreciate them for their exemplary performance.

The Bishop of Osusu Ministry, Gordons, was the last on the bill and did his very best to get the audience to have value for sparing time to be at the very entertaining event.

With the second outing of the Glo Laffta fest just out of the way, all is now set for the fourth event, the Glo Mega Music and the last event which are expected to hold on Saturday, September 22 and Saturday, October 20 respectively.

A statement from Glo enjoined the good people of Accra not to miss the last two events as they would be the biggest music shows ever witnessed in the country.

Already, artistes have been lined up for the Saturday, September 22 event. They include Wizkid, Yemi Alade, Tekno, among others.

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